This is a question asked by everyone that starts to look for a house. So how do you find out what you get for a certain price?
First I'd take your established price range and with your realtor mark areas of town where homes are selling in that range. At this point be very broad, you don't need to pinpoint by exact street. There's no reason to be closing options this early in the game.
Once you have the areas, do you see any that are not desireable because of location? Too far from work, family, downtown, etc. Any other areas that are a definate No for any other reason?Go ahead and mark these off the list. If you're familar with all the areas on the list you can skip the next step.
If you're not familar with the areas it's time to take a drive through them to get to know them better. This can be in an afternoon or over the course of a week or two depending on your schedule.
Have you realtor pull some listings in each of the chosen area(s). It may only be one area and that's fine. Get a good sampling of homes for sale so you can get a good feel for the houses there. Take some at the low end, the high end and the middle of the market. Are they big? Small? New? How many bedrooms? Garage?
Now that you've got a basic feel for the homes it's time to figure out what you're looking for. This differs from person to person, but also in area to area. For instance, if you're looking in a newer community the age of the home is very important. However if you're looking in an older neighborhood it doesn't matter very much if the house was built in 1944 or 1950.
After deciding on what is important, compare that to the areas. Do they match up? If so, you're on your way towards searching for a house! If not, reassess your needs and/or the areas until you've got a match.
For some this process is very quick. For others it can take a while. But for everyone it's a good way to 1) get to know the market and 2) realistically assess what you're looking for in a house.
I'm a real estate broker in Austin and would be happy to sit down with you to discuss buying a home or planning to buy a home. Bill Conover, Broker 844-1910
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